Hanan & Associates, Incorporated is a recognized California Small Business providing marine and environmental consulting services located near San Diego, CA. H&A has been providing consulting services since its forming in 2001 and has recently become a GSA Advantage partner .  Dr. Doyle Hanan, President and Co-founder, leads the marine/environmental biology division of consulting and co-sourcing engagements and projects.  

Examples of our work include:

-Tagging Studies (fish and mammals)

-Cost Earnings

-Fish/Marine Mammal Biological Stock Assessment (photographic, lidar, dissection)

-Sea Lion Interaction and Abatement Technologies

-Economic Surveys and Evaluation

-Aerial Surveys (photographic; lidar; line transect)

-Biological Assessment and Monitoring of Construction Sites

-Recreational and Commercial Fisheries

-Shipboard Surveys (visual, hydroacoustic, sampling with nets)

-NMFS Approved Protected Species Observers